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Tax Preparation Services


Get expert tax services for your business. Services include tax planning sessions to chart a course for decreasing future tax obligations and preparation of your business’s tax return.


Get tailored help for your unique tax situation. Services include tax planning sessions to plan the best way to cut future tax bills and preparation of your Form 1040 and any related IRS forms.

Tax Problems

IRS Audits

Are You Being Audited by the IRS? 


Have you received a letter or notice from a tax agency and don’t know what to do next?  The response you need to provide might be simple, or it might be very complex. We can help you interpret what the IRS is asking for so you can respond to the letter appropriately and put this behind you. 


An IRS letter can be triggered in several situations: 


  • The agency notices a discrepancy on any of your tax returns and needs an explanation.
  • An amount paid is short or over what the IRS or another tax agency calculates as due.
  • You have been selected for an audit.
  • You miss a payment deadline for taxes due. 
  • You miss a deadline for filing tax returns.
  • You fail to respond to previous correspondence.


Please note: The IRS will never send you an email about any of the above situations. They always send physical letters.  If you get an email, it’s a scam.


If it’s a discrepancy letter or balance due, the response can be fairly simple to craft and send. It’s always a good idea to get a tax professional to review or develop any response you need to send to the IRS. 


If you’re being audited, you will need to get ready for your meeting. The IRS officer has probably asked for certain records.  A tax professional can help you get ready and can guide you as to what you should be willing to provide to the IRS and what you shouldn’t. One example is if the IRS asks for your QuickBooks file or online access and you have several years of data in there. You only want to provide the IRS officer with the year in question; otherwise you’ll open yourself up to more scrutiny than you want. 


An audit can be extremely nerve-wracking.  You can get relief by having a tax professional on your side, walking you through the entire process. 


Getting Help


We’ve represented taxpayers with audits before the IRS, and we can help you, too.  We can:


  • Respond professionally to any IRS correspondence you receive
  • Contact the IRS on your behalf so that you don’t have to face them directly
  • Represent your case before the IRS
  • Fight for you on issues that come up, such as positions taken on tax returns
  • Escalate your issue to other remedies if the solution feels unfair or extreme


Support for Surviving Your IRS Audit


Contact former IRS Agent Yisroel Jacobovitch, CPA @ 732-426-1040 at no obligation to you so we can help you navigate the IRS audit process to a satisfactory outcome.  Your tax audit is handled with the utmost confidentiality and privacy.



Tax Resolution – Collections

Do You Owe the IRS Money That You Can’t Pay? 


It can happen by accident. You may not have withheld enough from your paycheck in the past year and wind up with a whopper of a tax bill in April. It could be you came into some money, spent it, and didn’t realize that a big chunk of it was owed to the IRS in taxes. 


If your debt has been piling up for a while, it can be overwhelming and extremely stressful. You might feel stuck or frozen, not knowing what you should do or how you are going to get out of your situation. But the worst thing you can do is nothing. The penalties and interest just keep adding up, sinking you further and further into trouble.


The IRS takes their money seriously! They will seek every legal way to collect the money they are owed. They can seize your assets, freeze your bank account, garnish your paycheck, and even restrict your passport.  They can file levies and liens on your property. We hope this hasn’t happened to you yet, but it will if you don’t act fast enough. 


Failure to Pay Taxes


If you owe money to the IRS but can’t pay, there are several options available to you depending on your circumstances. One of the most important things is to start paying you current taxes first. You must be all caught up with filing your income tax returns and paying your current taxes before most of these remedies are available to you.


Here are some of the options the IRS provides to taxpayers who owe money.  Whether these are applicable to you depends on your circumstances.  


  1. Installment plan


This is where you work out a payment arrangement with the IRS.  There are several forms of agreements, including regular, partial-pay, and streamlined.  Which one you should use is highly dependent upon your current financial situation and the amount you owe. 


  1. Offer in compromise


An offer in compromise is where the IRS agrees to accept less than the full amount owed.  The IRS does not have to accept an Offer, but if the Offer is presented so that it meets the IRS guidelines, it increases the chance that the IRS accepts the Offer to resolve the outstanding balance.


Not all tax professionals know the ins and outs of preparing an Offer that has a good chance of getting accepted.  It’s important to look for a professional who has an excellent track record of getting Offers accepted by the IRS. 



  1. “Currently Not Collectible” status


This status allows you to defer your debt.  The debt does not go away; you still owe the IRS money. But you’ll stop the process of getting your bank accounts levied or other collection efforts if you are granted this status.  This often happens when you don’t have enough income to cover your current living expenses. Once your income rises, the IRS will re-evaluate your situation. 


  1. Bankruptcy


Bankruptcy can be extremely useful to stop IRS collection efforts, potentially discharge income taxes that are old enough, and force repayment plans on an otherwise unwilling IRS.  Tax penalties may also be discharged through the bankruptcy.  Since this is such a complex area, your best bet is to consult with several professionals – an accountant, a tax resolution professional, and an attorney that is expert at bankruptcy issues. 


Getting Help


A tax resolution professional can help you:


  • Respond professionally to any IRS correspondence you receive
  • Contact the IRS on your behalf so that you don’t have to face them directly
  • Represent your case before the IRS
  • Get you caught up on filing back tax returns that are late
  • Understand the IRS Collections process and your rights
  • Negotiate penalties, interest, and taxes due to lower your debt
  • Work out a payment plan on any money you owe to the IRS
  • Fight for you on issues that come up, such as innocent spouse situations or positions taken on tax returns
  • Help you get levies and liens removed from your assets. 


Solutions for Resolving Your IRS Debt


Contact former IRS Agent Yisroel Jacobovitch, CPA @ 732-426-1040 at no obligation to you so we can understand your specific tax situation and provide advice on the options available to you.  Your tax issue is handled with the utmost confidentiality and privacy.


Tax Resolution – Unfiled Tax returns

Are You a Year or More Behind in Filing Your Income Tax Returns? 


Sometimes life just gets in the way.  You feel too busy or have experienced a divorce, illness, job loss, or death in your family that sidetracked you from filing your tax return on time. Or you could just be overwhelmed with the whole process of filing your taxes. Perhaps you don’t have the money to pay your taxes and thought you should wait to file (this is NOT a good idea).


You may also have a special situation with your spouse if they promised to file and didn’t or they don’t file correctly or they don’t pay. In some cases, you can claim that you were the “innocent spouse” and get your account corrected. 


Whatever your situation, we are here for you when you are ready to get caught up, and the sooner, the better.  We can help you relieve that huge psychological burden so you feel lighter and free from all that stress.


Failure to File Your Tax Return(s)


The IRS is very aggressive about coming after non-filers and non-payers. So even if you don’t owe that much, you’ll want to file right away to stop the penalties and interest from adding up. 


IRS debt can add up fast. There’s a failure to file penalty, interest on the taxes that are late, and the taxes themselves. The failure to file penalty can be as much as 25 percent, so that’s a debt you don’t want to have pile up on you. 


The most important thing about filing back taxes is to get them filed as soon as possible whether you can pay them or not.  Filing back tax returns will stop the failure to file penalty and is the first step on the road back to compliance for you. 


It’s never a good idea to have the IRS estimate and complete your return for you. You are better off hiring a tax professional to get you caught up and to represent your case before the IRS to work out a way to pay your back taxes that won’t leave you bankrupt or suffering financially.


We know there are many national chains out there that would like to help you with your tax problems, but all of the clients we have worked with say they prefer to hire a local tax professional in their own neighborhood. 


A tax professional can help you:


  • Respond professionally to IRS correspondence
  • Help you collect records and receipts and get your bookkeeping caught up so you can file accurate returns
  • Prepare and file any delinquent income tax returns
  •  Explain the next steps you need to take to continue getting back into compliance with the IRS.


Solutions for Your Delinquent Income Tax Return Filings


Contact former IRS Agent Yisroel Jacobovitch, CPA @ 732-426-1040 at no obligation to you so we can help you navigate the IRS audit process to a satisfactory outcome.

Your tax issue is handled with the utmost confidentiality and privacy.

Other Services

Financial Planning

Retirement. College education. A new house. Get help with planning for and achieving your future financial goals.

Payroll Services

Tracking employee time and money can get complicated in a hurry. Get help for all your business’s payroll needs, including issuing paychecks and filing your quarterly tax returns.


Get help entering transactions into your accounting software. This service also includes cleaning up existing bookkeeping done by you or someone else that may need to be corrected.

Accounting Services

Once you get your bookkeeping in order, get help creating financial statements and other operating reporting for your business. Use these financial reports to help with either internal purposes to help you make better business decisions, or for external purposes such as applying for a loan.

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